Friday, December 16, 2005

Tucker Carlson Is So Tough When Talking About Canada

Watch that bow tied conservative Tucker Carlson make the comments of a 12 year old on a school yard about Canada on national tv.

Tucker you are so tough when you are in a studio. I wonder how tough you would be saying this on the streets of Toronto?

Actually, Since you are so badass why don't you join up and go fight in Iraq where you can really show everyone how it's done.

Of course, Tucker has no facts to back up any of his adolescent ranting, but that is ok, facts and reality have nothing to do with his world. You know the one conservatives make up in their minds. Where Bush is popular, the war in Iraq is popular and everything is going great!

Watch the video at Media Matters.


Blogger Scott said...

While Tucker may not claim to be tough he sure uses language like he is. As for wether I should take him seriously I agree. He is a typical conservative, although I will admit not as extreme as some of the blowhards on tv.

4:25 PM  

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