Friday, January 06, 2006

As If You Needed Another Example...

....of how absolutely clueless and non- reality based your president and mine, George Bush really is, just check out this video courtesy of Crooks & Liars.

Try to believe your president was visiting wounded soldiers at a hospital and while there supposedly giving praise to how much honor they bring to the country he mentioned how he got wounded by a Cedar but won in the end.


Poor and working class people still think he is "one of them" which shows how out of touch they really are.

As Molly Ivins has said for years "Bush was born on third base and thought he hit a triple".

Absolutely fucking right Molly.

It is actually worse than I thought. Here is some more video of his visit at the hospital and he mentions how he is working for peace in 2006 and how great the economy is doing and naturally how much illegal wiretapping is really needed to protect you.

George Bush, have you no shame?


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