Friday, December 02, 2005

Andrea Mitchell Thinks The American People Are Idiots

Just saw this over at Crooks and Liars.

Imus: What else is going on-how's Woodward doing, is he going to get off?

Mitchell: Why I don't know, it's just a mess for everyone involved...
Imus: It is?
Mitchell:...but I think Iraq is really what people are focused on here in Washington...

Andrea are you really that dense are you just hoping people don't get it? Or are you hoping people are really that gullible?

Valerie Plame is about Iraq. Even a simpleton knows this. You think she was outed because she works for the post office and her husband is a baker?

These mainstream media people really must go. They are apologists to power, especially GOP power.

Say what you want about the blogs and alternative media but we wouldn't have a clue if it was just these stenographers to power like Mitchell running around telling people misleading information about the world.

Or did you think it was some coincidence that many people in this country thought Iraq had something to do with 9/11?

Sure the president and many others pushed it but who let them say it without correcting them?


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