Tuesday, November 22, 2005

few credible reports of contacts between Iraq and Al Qaeda involved attempts by Saddam Hussein to monitor the terrorist group

Evidence Keeps Coming Out About the Bush administration Deception On Iraq and the witholding of info from everyone else. Do you think his rating will go up with this now out in the public? What kind of reaction are we going to see from this cornered group of liars? Read about it here.

Below is a small excerpt for you to ponder.

"One of the more intriguing things that Bush was told during the briefing was that the few credible reports of contacts between Iraq and Al Qaeda involved attempts by Saddam Hussein to monitor the terrorist group. Saddam viewed Al Qaeda as well as other theocratic radical Islamist organizations as a potential threat to his secular regime. At one point, analysts believed, Saddam considered infiltrating the ranks of Al Qaeda with Iraqi nationals or even Iraqi intelligence operatives to learn more about its inner workings, according to records and sources. "

Did we ever hear anything before the war about this subject. Of course we did many people commented on the fact that Saddam considered Al Qaeda dangerous to his regime. Why? Because he was a secular dictator and Bin Laden considered him an enemy.

Then there is this little nugget.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the White House for the CIA assessment, the PDB of September 21, 2001, and dozens of other PDBs as part of the committee's ongoing investigation into whether the Bush administration misrepresented intelligence information in the build up to war with Iraq. The Bush administration has refused to turn over these documents. "

Normally I would be reluctant to call people liars. Not so with this neo-con bunch. Not at all.

Keep all this in mind when the administration and their apologists attack anyone who questions their distortions and lies.


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