Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bill O'Reilly - The New McCarthy!

Bill plans to publish an online enemies list. I can't wait for him to wave a bunch of papers around in his hand and declare that there are over 300 "far left internet smear sites" in the country!

This is a very sick man. He is a dangerous combination of ego, vanity, delusion (he thinks he wields great power and his opinion has great weight in the country) and paranoia. He doesn't know that only his billbot (patent pending) followers believe his misinformation, distortion and flat out lies. Naturally he considers himself a moral person who is correct on all the issues and dispenses the "word" to all liberals and leftists on how things really are.

Me, I just keep thinking about the falafel king and his little teenage sexual fantasies. But maybe you wonder how the woman who was the focus of his lust could afford an 800k condo in New York after settling her sexual harassment lawsuit with Bill. Portable recording devices are wonderful things.


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